Saturday, December 11, 2010

What I learned

 There is so much that I have learned from this semester at San Jose State.  After changing my major to Public Relations I realized I should learn how to communicate better.  I figured that working in a public relations firm would require good group communication skills.  I joined this class hoping to learn these skills and apply them to my future education.  This class taught me many different ideas and topics about arguments, group communication and the English language itself.  I realized that in daily talk I used many of the topics that this book addresses.  I found myself using vague sentences or fallacies in my arguments before taking this class.  However, I really enjoyed the main book from this semester Critical Thinking by Richard L. Epstein.  His way of writing was very enjoyable for different reasons.  For instance, he would explain topics in words that I could understand.  He sometimes wrote informally, but defiantly made perfect sense when explaining his ideas. 

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