Saturday, October 23, 2010

Big course assignments

So we just finished our second big course assignment and I feel like both have been very helpful.  I really liked how we were able to connect the main idea of the assignment to the concepts we read about from the book.  For example, although it was required from each assignment to connect the idea directly to the examples of the book, I feel that in doing so we were able to get a better grasp of each concept.  By first reading the chapters in the book I was able to connect them to a real life situation thanks to this project.  I really liked the second project a lot, which is why I felt I was able to easily make the assignment.  The parts that I was chosen to write about were parts of the text that I felt were very easily understandable.  For example, I wrote about one endorsement to the Mothers Against Drunk Drivers which is the National Football League.  Obviously the idea behind MADD is a very strong and valid one, and such a large company as the NFL looks great by donating money and time to it.  Its common sense why they donate to MADD, but it really connects well to the text.  I looked at who would donate, why, what are the motives.  All are very common sense, yet its important to take a look at the fact that big companies endorse organizations.  Sometimes they do have motives to mislead, but in this case it was all very legitimate and helpful.

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