Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 8

After reading chapter 8 I realized that most of the time the arguments we make in everyday life are very unclear.  We toss around words like "all", "some", and "no" in our arguments when we think they make clear sense and aid our argument.  But in reality, we use these words at unnecessary times that actually make our arguments weaker or false.  The words "all", "some", and "no" have contradictions that we need to realize can hurt arguments we are trying to make.  For example, the contradictions to the word "all" are "some are not" and "not every". Most people (including myself) would assume the contradiction to "all" is "none" but according to the text, this is not true.  When I talk to my friends in everyday life, I use claim words that I need to be more careful when using.  For example, when my friend asked me: "Have you finished your on-line homework so we can go to the tailgate?"  My response was: "Yea, i've finished some of it."  When I throw this line out this, I used a claim that was very vague.  Some of my homework was finished (about one post) but my friend was hoping that "some" meant somewhere around 3 posts and 2 comments finished.       

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