Friday, September 3, 2010

Subjunctive and Objective Claims

Two possible claims that we can produce can be subjunctive claims or objective claims.  These two claims are supported to justify one's conclusion in a statement or argument, but are very different from each other.  A subjunctive claim can be true or false but it's composed of personal beliefs, thoughts, or feelings (Epstein, 20)  Subjunctive claims can be true to some people, but false to others, depending on who is listening.  A subjunctive statement that I heard recently took place between myself and my friend.  We were arguing about whether southern or northern California had better surfing conditions.  I said "southern California has better waves." because I am from LA.  But this sentence is subjunctive because I prefer different types of waves than my friend does.  I ride a short board, which calls for different waves than my friend would prefer who rides long boards.  The waves that I prefer are big, quick breaking, and easier to ride on a short board.  The waves a long-boarder would prefer are slower, smaller waves.  This is subjunctive because it's based on my opinion that I prefer short board waves.  My friend who argues that northern California has better surf is also stating a subjunctive claim because his argument is based on his opinion that long boarding waves are better.  

Objective claims are the exact opposite from subjunctive.  They can be true or false but are not based on opinion, but rather factual evidence that can be supported and proven / dis-proven.  An example of an objective claim that I heard recently was my friend saying "The Niners just beat the Chargers!"  My friend went to the 49's vs. San Diego Chargers football game last night and when he got back, my friend Chris stated this objective claim.  It was factual evidence that the 49's beat the chargers as viewed by thousands who watched the game and millions who saw the score from either websites, newspapers, or other sport related articles.  We are able to prove that the 49's actually won the game, making his statement objective and true.    

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